Friday, November 12, 2010


I have seriously been neglecting this poor little blog of mine. Sometimes I honestly don't know where the time goes. The last few weeks have been a whirl of blogging (here and here - not here obviously) and birthdays. The little man turned 1 last week and we celebrated with a trip to the Aquarium (where he terrorised some sea urchins) and a quiet family afternoon tea. Unfortunately there was no photo of him trying his first piece of cake - he couldn't have cared less for the out-of-this-world rocket creation.

But, the kid did make sure that he read all of his birthday cards.

1 sweet comments:

flapjacs said...

Happy Birthday Little Man!
He really is gorgeous. And that cake!
Suddenly I remember my first born's first birthday like it was yesterday, I think he fell asleep before cake time at his party!


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